Thursday 8 July 2010

You did it before - you'll do it better Again

so, last time i mentionned a certain wedding where despite feeling that i should have done better, i came through OK.

today, i was reading a guest piece on Scott Kelby's blog by a photographer called John Wright.
click the link to read the whole piece - it's quite entertaining and inspiring.

at one point, John whas talking about over-thinking things in stead of just getting on with the line which spoke to me was:

Okay you could have improved something by doing this or changing that, but that’s called ‘experience,’ and you’ve learned from it, and it’ll be better the next time BECAUSE you put yourself in the situation in the FIRST place
i now realise that making my mistake of rushing because i felt pressured is a mistake i was always going to make. now i've made it, BECAUSE i got on and shot a wedding without angsting over whether i was good enough. that mistake is in my past now. i've got EXPERIENCE.

go and get some experience for yourself.
don't worry about it.
put yourself in front of a subject.
take the shot.

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